Voices For Action Against Racism: Canadian Organizations Leading Change


Monday, March 21 is the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The theme for this year is "Voices for Action Against Racism". This is a call for action by individuals and organizations against racial discrimination. 

According to the United Nations’ information page, “The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed annually on the day the police in Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration against apartheid ‘pass laws’ in 1960.

To celebrate Black History Month in February, on my LinkedIn, I recognized four trailblazing Black organizations that are standing up in support of anti-racism and racial equity in Canada:

Black Opportunity Fund (BOF)

Founded in 2020, this community-led charitable organization promotes economic empowerment by facilitating access to a pool of capital for Black-led businesses, including disbursement of loans, equity investments and other funding support. The organization prioritizes initiatives that combat anti-Black racism and promote economic empowerment in Black communities across Canada.

Black Professionals In Tech Network (BPTN)

This network is the largest Black community of tech and business professionals in North America. Founded in 2018, BPTN bridges the network gap in the tech industry by providing Black technical and business professionals with access to senior executive sponsorship, skills building and a strong peer network to level up their careers. BPTN partners with companies to hire, train and retain Black professionals for more diversity.

The BlackNorth Initiative (BNI)

Since its launch in 2020, more than 400 senior leaders representing Canadian companies valued at a combined $1.3 trillion have signed the BlackNorth CEO pledge, publicly committing to collectively combat anti-Black racism. BNI supports these companies in developing ambitious diversity and inclusion programs and initiatives that create and nurture Black talent pipelines for Boards and senior management positions.

ADVANCE Music Canada

Launched in 2020, this non-profit provides a unified voice for Black people working in the Canadian music industry to address issues of under-representation in management and executive roles and under-investment in Black talent development. ADVANCE partners with other organizations to increase the employment, retention and advancement of Black Canadian music professionals.

I encourage you to further explore these organizations and others doing the hard work and making progress in support of anti-racism and racial equity in Canada.

Let's do our part to strengthen voices against racism!

Jennifer Purcell

Career Advancement Coach who empowers women of colour to take control of their careers so they earn more, increase visibility and gain the recognition they deserve


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Survey: Black employees are twice as likely to face discrimination in the workplace*